Saturday, November 22, 2008

I will follow you

Hey guyzz i've startedwriting songs offlate...still lots of polishing to do!!But anyways i was quite pleased with my latest song!!!So i just thought i'd share the lyrics wid ya guyz!!!

I see your footprints

All over the land

I wanna follow

Your prints on this sand.

Maybe I’ll falter

If I just leave

The prints that my father

Has engraved for me.

I feel your presence

All over this land

Your moving radiance

Oh it’s so grand!

I see you coming

Down from the clouds

Come now O Jesus

Rescue me fast!

I wanna go home

Be one with you

Even if I’m alone

I’ll follow you


I’m goin home with you

I will follow you

So come and take me now

Come and spread your love.


ryan said...

cool teach us how it goes

Joash said...

nah...hav not had d time 2 compose it yet!!!But i'm open to suggestions!!!

Andi and Sheba Eicher said...

This is really great. we must 'sing this new song' a.s.a.p.