Wednesday, August 6, 2008

New updates

We have begun with our DTS(discipleship training school)for the young adolescents and though it hasn't been on a weekly basis we are glad that we have been able to take 3 sessions with these girls.!!!
we started the DTS with creation---though a familiar topic still one gets to learn more from it everytime you read it(atleast i get to learn)neway..Then the next session was regarding attributes of God --His faithfulness and unchanging love.We had a small activity/game --it was the very common chinese whispers.None of us could say the exact sentence said by the person who gave the sentence.We realised how we can't remember things said to us a few seconds ago .....but God is a never changing God...all knowing God..never forgets and His attributes go on and on and on.....
Last week we learning about the triune nature of God....God the Father,God the Son and the Holy Spirit.We had a really nice discussion on this topic with the young girls it was more of them thinking and understanding for themselves...which was really amazing.Though at times they were confused a bit by the end of the session they learnt a new thing for themself...which is realllly good!!!!!!!

Now its time to say in short about the outreach program that has started with the family suffering with HIV...Its been six consecutive saturdays that we have been able to go and teach this family from God's Word.We have seen that Hema(named changed)the lady who is a believer been interested in God's word...she has 2 kids also who sit and listen to what is been spoken.
Its going on quiet good so far...

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