Thursday, March 6, 2008

Who am I

Some times we struggle through life trying to be some one we're not. Struggling to fit into some sort of mould which others will accept. Never willing to accept this fact, but still struggling. Always struggling but never acheiving anything. You say,"This is who i am",but is it really?

Why is it that we never want to look bad in front of people? Forget about people we know,we need to look cool even in front of complete strangers, don't we?

Just yesterday I fell into that trap again.Trying to say things , do things which otherwise I would never have said , done.

Why is this??

Reading from 1 Thessalonians 1:3

We continually remember before our God and Father yourk work produced by faith, your labour prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Is what we do prompted by our love and faith?

Are we willing to endure ridicule??

1 comment:

Joash said...

Well it sure iz not easy to endure ridicule(dat 2 for others!!!!)but dats wot JESUS did for us!!!!!!!
The LORD promises us dat he will giv us d strenngth and grace 2 endure ridicule......