Saturday, July 12, 2008

what Nehemiah taught me

This is something that we learnt in Church a few weeks back. We read thro' the book of Nehemiah .I will be sharing some of the thoughts.

Nehemiah lived at a time when the Israelites had returned from exile. Nehemiah himself served at the King's palace in Persia. Then someone tells Nehemiah
about the situation back in Jerusalem- the city was not fortified ,as the city wall had not yet been rebuilt ; as a result the Jews were losing intermarrying with outsiders
and mixing in with foreign culture, and thus losing their identity.
What happens next is noteworthy -Nehemiah mourned , fasted and wept before the Lord . Nehemiah was cupbearer to the king , a very important position .So this really shows a part of what Nehemiah was on the inside - he was humble , and was concerned about the things that mattered to God.
Next, we read that Nehemiah manages to get the king's approval to go back to Jerusalem and start the rebuilding process. Ch 3-6 describes how the wall was completed. But it doesn't stop there; the people of Israel confess their sins before God and make a pledge to obey Him.

When you reflect on all of this, we see that building the wall was not "the thing" for Nehemiah; it was just a part of it. He had come to turn the hearts of his people back to God. Anyway what security can a wall provide if God is not with you!
God used Nehemiah mightily. These days’ companies hire the best of managers and specialists in order to get the best results. But that's not how God looks at people .God saw in Nehemiah a man who was dedicated to do His will, a humble man who was willing to stoop down from his high position to do such a thing as building a wall. And when God called him, nothing on earth could stop him.
There is an important lesson to learn from this: We need not possess great skills to do great things .God only expects that we serve Him faithfully in whatever we do- that's what God considers great.
This line of thought is so contrary to the world's set of ideas .But then this is what sets the Bible apart from other ideologies.

To sum it up, I would say that living for God's glory and responding to God's calling is the greatest thing you can achieve in life. Nehemiah could testify to this. Can we say the same about our lives too?