Saturday, March 28, 2009


The elections are on the way, & the dance of democracy(As the Times aptly puts it) has just started. Forget about loyalty for a term, we are talking of coalitions with no common stand on any issue whatsoever. The principles are free to rot as long as as long as they get a shot. (at those in any other so called coalition, I mean). All laws which favour an opponent need to change(atleast till the elections are over).

All this just got me thinking. I havent got got my voters id made, as of yet. These guys from Jaago Re are doing a voters drive in my college.

Apparently, the last day to submit the form, to vote for this years elections was 1st of April. But apparently, the last date to nominate a candidate to stand for elections is still some time away. Thats not all, after a particular party has named a candidate it still has a few more days to withdraw his/ her candidature. Now with less than a month to go a voter is not even sure who is going to stand for elections.

But whats the use of rambling about ?? What can I do? What can we do? As for this elections, I can only pray. I admit its my laziness that I can not vote this time.

But the time has come for us to wake up! Its no use speaking in our sleep!!!

Long years ago we made a tryst with destiny, and now the time comes when we shall redeem our pledge, not wholly or in full measure, but very substantially. At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom. A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends, and when the soul of a nation, long supressed, finds utterance. It is fitting that at this solemn moment we take the pledge of dedication to the service of India and her people and to the still larger cause of humanity.

And this, knowing the season, that already it is time for you to awake out of sleep: for now is salvation nearer to us than when we first believed.

Jaago re.

Wake up .

Monday, January 12, 2009

Show 'em the love!! - My new song!!

I wanna make sure the message reaches out far n wide to all d corners of the world coz there's terror everywhere!!PLEASE don't send this to anyone till i get this one patented wid d music (it'll take some time tho..)!!!U can show it to someone but please don't send this to ne1!!! I believe this is my best piece of work so far...Here ya go!!

Show 'em the love

Hey…..this goes out 2 all u guyz who r sick of terror n wanna make
things better…..

Whatcha gonna do now??
Where ya gonna move now??
Do you have any chance
To run away from this trance??
I know how you are feelin
I feel the same way too!!
I wanna make a difference
But don't know what to do!!!
How do ya stop this??
How do ya turn terror to bliss??
You feel like killin them
But then what different are you??
Hang them upside down!!!
Parade them around the town!!!
Isn't this how your feeling??
But what's God revealing??
I tell ya man..

Turn your guns into roses
Turn your swords into ploughs
We gotta fight 'em with love
No matter how much it hurts!!
This is the one way remaining
This is the one way of shaming
This is the one way of taming
'em with your love
So c'mon let's show 'em the love!!

We've tried bombing ,secret raiding,
Oh it's so frustrating.
But it all ain't workin!!
But there's another way
That hasn't yet seen the day.
It's gotta be the only way
Cause Love will find a way!!
So why don't we kick our guns,
Why don't we send 'em funds!!
So that they could build their homes
And stop blowin up our bones!!
C'mon let's check it out
Do not fear do not doubt!!
If ya want some love
Then why don't ya show them the love??
I tell ya man..

Turn your guns into roses
Turn your swords into ploughs
We gotta fight 'em with love
No matter how much it hurts!!
This is the one way remaining
This is the one way of shaming
This is the one way of taming
'em with your love
So c'mon let's show 'em the love!!

So when will ya wake up??
When will ya take this up??
Are ya waitin for
'em to blow ya up!!
Take this chance..
Escape from this trance!!
Get out and stop this!!
Turn terror to bliss!!
GO and make a difference man
Show 'em what I told ya man!!
It's the only way remaining!!
So why are you waiting??
Always remember the one rule of love!!
If ya want some love
Then ya gotta show 'em your love!!

Pls give ur feedback!!!